
Larry’s C10H12N2O Level

Paging Dr. Lorenzo.  ‘Cause he knows brain chemistry.  God, I love Cynical, and Victor.

Damn, man. Is that all that’s keeping you from making an ass of yourself more frequently on Shocklines?  I vote for toxicity.

31 Responses

  1. Cynical had me rolling when I read that. And then everyone else stepping in and dog piling him. I wish I could have seen the expression on his face when he saw that thread.

  2. Dagstine takes ignorance to a whole new level.

  3. Deer in the headlights. Then, he adopts the school yard bully persona, which somehow never works for him.

  4. Why would anyone be afraid of that? He’s a weak little chickenshit.

  5. Toxic Avengers! 😀

  6. Figures he wants someone to carry him. He’s too lazy to do the basics, and figured he’d hammer on me.

    Personally, I’d love to see him fucking try to put out an RPG product.

    I have the feeling it would the most unintentionally funny thing I will ever read.

    And full of clipart.

  7. Anything he writes is funny, but for all the wrong reasons.

  8. I’ve played DnD and other pen and paper rpg’s since I was 13, and even I wouldn’t think of trying my hand at writing an RPG supplement.

    Besides I suck at math, and while I created a lot of great adventures as a DM, my math never got better.

  9. I made a living doing research and math for 25+ years. I can’t write for beans, but at least I know it.

  10. http://shocklinesforum.yuku.com/topic/9936

    Dagstine owns a kindle. I have to wonder how he could afford to buy one.

  11. Dagstine’s just too lazy. The proof is in the prose. He’s too lazy to write, too lazy to do research — hell, he’s probably too lazy to hold down a job. Sorry, but I don’t buy him being disabled. Cuss has a genuine disability (post polio) my one buddy, who had Army surgeons scoop out two cysts (I think they were cysts) in his brain to save his life, has a genuine disability. Dagstine? He’s a lazy, bitter failure.

  12. Oh, and he got smacked down by facts on the Realms of Fantasy thread too…

  13. Dagstine asked his parents for that Kindle for his birthday. Personally, I find it amusing that my mom still sends me birthday cards via snail mail, but I can’t remember the last time I actually received a present.

    Nobody in my family exchanges presents anymore — not for Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries, or whatever. I cater holiday dinners for my parents. Other than that, we acknowledge the occasion, and maybe go out for dinner, but that’s about it. I’d rather not receive something I probably don’t want, anyway. If I want or need something, I’ll buy it myself.

    Aside from the new house, which comes with a riding mower, I’ll need a two-stroke snow blower, and a refrigerator. The previous owners left the mower, but took their fridge with them. Think I’m going to ask my parents for a fridge or snow blower? Nope. I didn’t work my ass off, including four hour daily commutes, for as long as I did, only to sit on it and mooch off anyone.

    I’ll pay for anything I want or need, and if I can’t write a check for it on the spot, it’ll have to wait. The snow blower can wait until late next Fall. The fridge can’t. That’s an immediate expense, but we can handle it. Fuck getting some very nice patio furniture; it’s really low on my priority list, and the stuff we have will do for another year or two.

  14. Good on ya Rusty. Hope everything works out with the house.

  15. My birthday falls on Easter Sunday this year…the only thing I asked for? A birthday cake =)

  16. My mother, step-father and I began donating to charity in lieu of gift exchanging for Christmas. Dad gives me a few small gifts, like a couple of books or DVDs, but that’s about it. Birthdays revolve around food.

    The last thing I asked for from my Mom was a ride to the emergency room following a knee injury (can’t drive a standard when my left knee’s ganked), and that was three years ago.

    But I’m with Rusty — if I can’t afford it, I ain’t buying it.

  17. It is sad that Daggy still asks—and gets—presents of that kind from his parents.

    Talk about a big old baby.

    Embarrassed Daggy? You should be.

  18. Well, I hate to say it, but my family still does the gift thing. We like presents! However, we don’t go crazy with the. gift cards, books, dvd’s, etc. If we can afford it, that is. I told Mom this year, she’ll be getting a Birthday card, and maybe lunch out, if I have the money. I think what I want for my birthday is a fucking job.

  19. My mom’s birthday was Sunday. I felt so bad because I usually take her out to see a movie and to dinner.

    At Christmas time, I buy gifts for everyone. But when it comes to me, I just ask for gift cards. In mmy family I’m the hardest person to buy for. When I try to explain what I want, they just look at me and say “You can get that with a gift card, right?”

    My mom’s upset because I never celebrate my b-day. Everytime I do, I end up in the hospital.

  20. My last “big” gift from Mom (that I can remember) was my first Palm Pilot… that was in 1999.

    No shame in doing the gift thing on X-mas, Rain. We may give money, but I still buy something for my folks — usually something meaningful … like a collection of Marx Brothers films…

  21. Dang… I meant to say “give away money to charity.” Is it beer-thirty yet?

  22. It’s been beer thirty since I got up.

  23. My mom has her presents given to her, along with cake, happy birthday, and all that stuff.

    Of course, she’s about 7 years old because of her stroke.

    Does that count?

  24. My family does the gift thing too. Quite enjoy it. One of the few times when I can prove I do actually pay attention to them.

    My mum is already demanding things for Mother’s Day.
    My dad always acts like he isn’t bothered but I know he loves his pressies.

  25. *bakes Melany a kick-ass carrot cake*

    I’m so bad with the birthday thing.

  26. My Mom will be 69 in April, and I was going to capitalize on that number, but think it would probably be in bad taste (no pun intended).

  27. She’s young. My parents are in their 80s. Wish your mom a happy birthday from me.

  28. He’s thanking James Moore for “what it takes to write in the RPG market”…

    Someone call the newspapers we’ve got proof of the world’s first successful brain transplant.

  29. Any brain that gets transplanted to Dagstine would be a substantial improvement.

    He gets dumber with every passing day.

  30. Get Larry’s LAME response to 50Foot Ant.


    He does not even acknowledge that 50 Foot did some good research.

    In typical Daggy fashion, he glances over the well-research response and just tries to belittle 50 Foot.

    Come on, Larry. Realize that all that research scared you and you have nothing to say.

    Well, at least you can say thanks for the research.

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